Pakistan Makes Significant Gains in 2024 UN E-Government Index, Rising 14 Positions

Pakistan has climbed to the 136th position in the United Nations E-Government Development Index (EGDI) for 2024, up from 150th place in 2022. This significant advancement marks the country’s first entry into the “High EGDI category,” reflecting substantial improvements in digital government capabilities.

The nation’s EGDI value has risen to 0.5095, an increase from 0.42380 in 2022. Although Pakistan still lags behind global leaders such as Denmark (0.9847) and regional frontrunners like Singapore (0.969) and the Maldives (0.6745), this progress is noteworthy.

Minister of State for Information Technology Shaza Fatima Khawaja reaffirmed the government’s commitment to establishing a digital Pakistan. Speaking at an event in Islamabad, she stressed the importance of collective efforts to encourage innovation among the youth.

She pointed out that the private sector should take a leading role in realizing a digital Pakistan, while the government focuses on providing stable and fast digital connectivity. Khawaja highlighted that Pakistan’s ranking in the UN’s e-governance index improved by fourteen points and noted that it is one of only two Asian countries to move from the middle tier to the high tier of digital governance, which she termed a significant achievement. Additionally, she mentioned that Pakistan has made great strides in cybersecurity, attaining top-tier status in this field.

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